jsCommonFunctions: Manipulate text, arrays and get browser details

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js-common-functions 1.0Free For Educatio...1.0Browser, Events


This object provides general purpose functions to manipulate text strings, arrays and get browser details. Currently it can:

- Trim strings
- Validate e-mail addresses
- Split a string into an array
- Check if a value is in an array
- Get mouse pointer position in an event
- Check the browser type
- Get the last character of a string of element of an array
- Get an element of the current document by identifier

Picture of Er. Rochak Chauhan
Name: Er. Rochak Chauhan <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: India India
Age: 45
All time rank: 654 in India India
Week rank: 6 Up1 in India India Up


Usage: // Create object var jcf = new jsCommonFunctions(); // Call jcf.{FUNCTION_NAME}; Example: <script type="text/javascript" src="jsCommonFunctions.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var jcf = new jsCommonFunctions(); var str=" abc "; str=jcf.trim(str); </script> Complete JavaScript Function List: 1. lTrim(string): * Function to trim all the white spacing from the left side of any string. 2. rTrim(string): * Function to trim all the white spacing from the right side of any string. 3. trim(string): * Function to trim all the white spacing from left and right side of the string. 4. isValidEmail(string): * Function to validate a typical email pattern. 5. getType(variable_name): * Function to find the type of the variable. A Clone of PHP\’s “var_dump()” function. 6. inArray(array, string): * Function to find if the string is in the array. Clone of PHP\’s “in_array()” function. 7. inArrayI(array, string): * Function to find if the string is in the array. Clone of PHP\’s “in_array()” function. (its case insensitive) 8. getMouseX(event): * Function to find the current X position of the mouse/cursor. 9. getMouseY(event): * Function to find the current Y position of the mouse/cursor. 10. getMouseXY(event): * Function to find the current X and Y positions of the mouse/cursor as an array. 11. getBrowserName(): * Function to return the name of the web browser. 12. isBrowserIe(): * Function to return “true” if the browser is “Microsoft Internet Explorer” else return “false“. 13. isBrowserOpera(): * Function to return “true” if the browser is “Opera” else return “false“. 14. isBrowserNetscape(): * Function to return “true” if the browser is “Firefox” or “Netscape” else return “false“. 15. getTotalImages(): * Function to return the number of images used in the current page. 16. explode(delimiter, string): * Function to Split a string by a specified delimiter. A Clone of PHP\’s “explode” function. 17. end(string / array): * Function to return the last character of a string or the last element of the array. A Clone of PHP\’s “end” function.

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