File: api-d/4/js-api/library.js/plugins/plugin.FlowRegister.js

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  Classes of Till Wehowski   µ.Flow   api-d/4/js-api/library.js/plugins/plugin.FlowRegister.js   Download  
File: api-d/4/js-api/library.js/plugins/plugin.FlowRegister.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: µ.Flow
General purpose library of objects
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,302 bytes


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/* frdl\-Flow\ $.-map: desktop-comps @requires library.js @requires $.WebfanDesktop @requires $.lazy @copyright (c) Till Wehowski - All rights reserved - - packages autoloaders register (using lazy) - list packages - run package install */ (function( $ ) { var ___FN___ = 'FlowRegister'; $.fn[___FN___] = function(modules, preload) { var i = 0; this.html(''); var modname, comps = { 'frdl-webfan' : { mid : 'frdl-webfan', title : 'Application Composer', author : 'Till Wehowski,', description : 'Plugin for Webfan Desktop to provide a AC frontend.', ico : '', install : 'ApplicationComposerOpen', autoload : { src: '', name: [ 'ApplicationComposerOpen', 'ApplicationComposer'], dependencies: { js: [ '', '', '' ], css: [ ] }, cache: true } } }; if('array' === typeof modules){ var _m = {}; for(i = 0; i < modules.length; i++){ _m[modules[i].mid] = modules[i]; } modules = _m; } $.extend( comps ,(typeof modules !== 'undefined') ? modules : {}); var div = Dom.create("div"); $(div).append('<h1 class="webfan-blue"><span>Installable</span> <span>Apps</span></h1>'); var img, li, ul = Dom.create("ul"); Dom.add(ul, div); var packages = []; for(modname in comps){ li = Dom.create("li"); li.setAttribute("class", 'data-box'); img = Dom.create("img"); img.setAttribute("src", comps[modname].ico ); Dom.add(img,li); $(li).append( " " + comps[modname].title + " <br />" + comps[modname].description + '<br />' + '(c)' + comps[modname].author); if( 'undefined' !== typeof $.WebfanDesktop.Registry.Programs[comps[modname].mid] || ('string' !== typeof comps[modname].install && 'function' !== typeof comps[modname].install)){ packages.push($(li)); continue; } var M = modname, THIS = this; $(li).on('click', function(ev){ if('undefined' !== typeof $.WebfanDesktop.Registry.Programs[comps[M].mid]){ alert(comps[M].title + ' is installed allready!'); if($.WebfanDesktop.Registry.Programs[comps[M].mid].author !== comps[M].author){ alert('The author of this (the new package) is different to the author of the installed one!'); } if(true !== confirm('Continue installation although?'))return; } if('undefined' !== typeof comps[M].install){ if(true === confirm('Install ' + comps[M].title + ' now...?')){ try{ $[comps[M].install](this); var SELF = THIS, _ID = Guid.newGuid(), _M = comps[M].mid; uhrTimer.add('wd-after-innstall-'+_ID, function(){ if('undefined' === typeof $.WebfanDesktop.Registry.Programs[_M] || 'function' !== typeof $.WebfanDesktop.Registry.Programs[_M].cb_open)return; $.WebfanDesktop.Registry.Programs[_M].cb_open(); $(SELF)[___FN___](modules); uhrTimer.remove('wd-after-innstall-'+_ID); }, 60); return alert(comps[M].title + ' is installed now!'); }catch(err){ alert('Error: Cannot install ' + comps[M].title + "\n" + err); console.error(err); return; } } } }); Dom.add(li, ul); } $(div).append('<p>&nbsp;</p><h1 class="webfan-blue"><span>Other</span> <span>Packages</span></h1>'); ul = Dom.create("ul"); for(i = 0; i< packages.length; i++){ $(ul).append(packages[i]); } Dom.add(ul, div); = comps; this.append(div); this.register = function(apps){ $.extend( ,(typeof apps !== 'undefined') ? apps : {}); return this; }; this.Autoloader = function(mods){ for(var m in mods){ if('object' !== typeof m.autoload || 'undefined' !== typeof $.lazy.archive[m.autoload.src])continue; $.lazy(m.autoload); if('undefined' !== typeof m.languageStrings){ $($.WebfanDesktop.o.doms.locale).locale('loadLangs',m.languageStrings); } } return this; }; if('undefined' === typeof preload || true === preload){ this.Autoloader(; } return this; }; }( jQuery ));