File: src/js/process.ts

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  Classes of Dom Hastings   JS Image to ANSI   src/js/process.ts   Download  
File: src/js/process.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: JS Image to ANSI
Convert an image pixels to ANSI colour codes
Author: By
Last change: Updates and simplification to core code.
Added `docker-compose.yml` for easy local testing.
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,341 bytes


Class file image Download
import rgbToTerm from './rgbToTerm'; export type processOptions = { colours: string; maxHeight: number; maxWidth: number; unicode: boolean; }; const canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas'), context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = canvas.getContext( '2d' ) as CanvasRenderingContext2D; const rgbaToAnsi = ( rgba: Uint8ClampedArray | [number, number, number, number], options: processOptions, foreground: boolean = false ): string => { const [r, g, b] = rgba; // if we're mostly transparent (less than 0.05 opacity) return transparent (default) if (isTransparent(rgba)) { return foreground ? '39' : '49'; } if (options.colours === 'true') { return `${foreground ? 38 : 48};2;${r ?? 0};${g ?? 0};${b ?? 0}`; } return `${foreground ? 38 : 48};5;${rgbToTerm(r ?? 0, g ?? 0, b ?? 0)}`; }, isTransparent = ([, , , a]: | Uint8ClampedArray | [number, number, number, number]): boolean => (a ?? 0) < 13; export const process = ( image: CanvasImageSource, options: processOptions ): string => { let imageWidth = image.width as number, imageHeight = image.height as number, content: string = ''; if (imageWidth > options.maxWidth) { const scale = imageWidth / options.maxWidth; imageWidth = options.maxWidth; imageHeight = Math.floor(imageHeight / scale); } if (imageHeight > options.maxHeight) { const scale = imageHeight / options.maxHeight; imageHeight = options.maxHeight; imageWidth = Math.floor(imageWidth / scale); } canvas.width = imageWidth; canvas.height = imageHeight; context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), pixelData =; // Loop over each pixel and invert the color. for (let i = 0, n = pixelData.length; i < n; ) { const endOfLine = (): boolean => i > 0 && (i / 4) % imageWidth === 0; if (options.unicode) { const top = pixelData.slice(i, i + 4), bottom = pixelData.slice(i + imageWidth * 4, i + 4 + imageWidth * 4); if ( (top[0] === bottom[0] && top[1] === bottom[1] && top[2] === bottom[2] && !isTransparent(top) && !isTransparent(bottom)) || (isTransparent(top) && isTransparent(bottom)) ) { content += `\x1b[${rgbaToAnsi(top, options)}m `; } else { if (isTransparent(bottom) && !isTransparent(top)) { content += `\x1b[${rgbaToAnsi(bottom, options)};${rgbaToAnsi( top, options, true )}m?`; } else { content += `\x1b[${rgbaToAnsi(bottom, options, true)};${rgbaToAnsi( top, options )}m?`; } } i += 4; if (endOfLine()) { i += 4 * imageWidth; content += '\x1b[m\n'; } continue; } content += `\x1b[${rgbaToAnsi(pixelData.slice(i, i + 4), options)}m `; i += 4; if (endOfLine()) { content += '\x1b[m\n'; } } // minimise output, replacing contiguous definitions while (content.match(/(\x1b\[[0-9;]+m)([?? ]+)\1/)) { content = content.replace(/(\x1b\[[0-9;]+m)([?? ]+)\1/g, '$1$2'); } return content; }; export default process;