File: application/webfan/node_modules/webfan/overload.js

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  Classes of Till Wehowski   µ.Flow   application/webfan/node_modules/webfan/overload.js   Download  
File: application/webfan/node_modules/webfan/overload.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: µ.Flow
General purpose library of objects
Author: By
Last change: Update overload.js
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,141 bytes


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/*!# @license webfan (C) Till Wehowski, - All rights reserved. !*/ define( //'webfan/overload', function(require, exports, module) { Symbol.frdl = 'fn.__call'; var debug = true; //@toDo: get debumode /* // 11 - Proxy as a proxy handler const logHandler = { get (obj, trap) { return function (...args) { console.log(`${trap}`, args.slice(1)); const result = Reflect[trap](...args); console.log(' result:', JSON.stringify(result)); console.log(' value:', JSON.stringify(args[0])); }; } }, logProxy = new Proxy({}, logHandler); // try it out const myObj = new Proxy({a: 1, b: 2}, logProxy); myObj.a = 3; // set(a,3), getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a), defineProperty(a,3) delete myObj.b; // deleteProperty(b) */ function logProxy(from){ var logHandler = { /* constructor: function(target, args) { var obj = Object.create(target.prototype); this.apply(target, obj, args); return obj; }, */ constructor: Function.prototype.constructor, get : function(obj, trap, receiver) { if(!!debug) console.log('magic:', arguments); if(!!debug) console.log('magic args:', obj, trap, receiver); var nArg = arguments[1]; // alert(nArg); var _check_result = logHandler.__get.apply(this, [nArg]); if('undefined'!==typeof _check_result)return _check_result; return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice(arguments); var noMethod = false; // var TTrap2 = args.slice(1); var TTrap2 = trap; if(!!debug) console.log('TTrap2', TTrap2); if(!!debug) console.log('Reflect:', Reflect); if('function'!==typeof Reflect[trap] ){ if(!!debug) console.log(' noMethod:', trap, Reflect); var fetch = logHandler.__call; var a = [trap, arguments]; noMethod = true; }else{ // var fetch = Reflect[trap]; console.log('getTrap?', trap, args); var fetch = logHandler.__get; var a = arguments; } var result = fetch.apply(this, a); // if('function'===typeof result && false===noMethod){ // if(!!debug)console.log(' resultIsAFunction:', args); // result = logHandler.__get.apply(this, [nArg]); // }else if('undefined'===typeof result){ if(!!debug)console.log(' noResult:', args); }else { if(!!debug) console.log(' result:',result); } if(!!debug) console.log(' value:', args[0]); return result; }; }, has: function(target, name) { if(!!debug) console.log('has:', arguments); // return true; return 'undefined'!==typeof target[name]; }, apply: function(target, THIS, args) { if(!!debug) console.log('apply:', arguments); }, call: function(name, args) { //target.apply(THIS, args); // this.apply(THIS, args); if(!!debug) console.log('call:', arguments); }, __call : function(name, args) { if(!!debug) console.log('call:', arguments); // target.apply(THIS, args); // this.apply(THIS, args); var prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, name); if(prop){ if('undefined'!==typeof prop.value){ if('function'===typeof prop.value){ return prop.value.apply(this, args); } return prop.value; } }else{ if('function'===typeof frdl.CONST && 'function'===typeof frdl.CONST('__MAGIC_METHODS__').__call){ return frdl.CONST('__MAGIC_METHODS__').__call.apply(this, [name, args]); } }//no prop if(!!debug) console.log('call not resolved:', arguments); }, __get : function(name) { if(!!debug) console.log('get:', arguments); if('function'===typeof frdl.CONST && 'function'===typeof frdl.CONST('__MAGIC_METHODS__').__get){ return frdl.CONST('__MAGIC_METHODS__').__get.apply(this, [name]); } } }; var logProxy = new Proxy(logHandler, logHandler); if('undefined'!==typeof from){ var k; for( k in from){ logProxy[k] = from[k]; } } logProxy.prototype.constructor = Function.prototype.constructor; return Object.create(logProxy); } logProxy.prototype.constructor = Function.prototype.constructor; /* // try it out const myObj = new Proxy(logProxy, logProxy); myObj.a = 3; // set(a,3), getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a), defineProperty(a,3) delete myObj.b; // deleteProperty(b) console.log(myObj.undef); console.log(myObj.nometh({a: 1, b: 2})); */ exports = module.exports = { IOverloadableProxy : logProxy, defaultProxy : logProxy(logProxy), make : function(o){ return logProxy(o, new logProxy ); } }; return exports; });