File: test2/intents.js

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  Classes of Melanie Wehowski   webfan JavaScript Intents Service Server   test2/intents.js   Download  
File: test2/intents.js
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Class: webfan JavaScript Intents Service Server
Register and call services to handle Web intents
Author: By
Last change: fixed exports
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,433 bytes


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/* @copyright (c) Till Wehowski - All rights reserved @license (Basic/EULA) @license (Source Code Re-Usage) Copyright (c) 2016, Till Wehowski All rights reserved. @component!js/intents.js * Services Server for webfanIntents * Read more: */ (function(){ 'use strict'; (function(){if('undefined'===typeof frdl && 0===document.querySelectorAll('script[src*="\/api-d\/4\/js-api\/library.js"]').length && 0===document.querySelectorAll('script[src*="flow.js"]').length){var h=document.getElementsByTagName("head",document)[0];var s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','');h.insertBefore(s,h.firstChild);}}()); (function(){if('undefined'===typeof window.webfanIntent && 0===document.querySelectorAll('script[src*="\/cdn\/frdl\/flow\/components\/frdl\/intent\/webintents.js"]').length){var h=document.getElementsByTagName("head",document)[0];var s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','');h.insertBefore(s,h.firstChild);}}()); var ACTBAT = new (function(){ var _In = []; var _R = {}; var delIn = function(id) { var i=0, l = _In.length; if(0 === l)return this; for(var i = 0; i < (l = _In.length); i++) { if("undefined" !== typeof _In[i] && _In[i]._id === id) { _In.splice(i,1); i--; _In = _In.filter(function(val){return (val !== undefined && val !== null) ? true : false;}); l = _In.length; i = 0; } } return this; }; this.bat = function(bat){ frdl.each(bat, function(i,In){ _In.push(In); }); return this; }; this.i = function(action){ this.bat([action]); return this; }; this.register=function(mime, action, callback, initFn, config, appData){ if('undefined'===typeof _R[mime] || null ===_R[mime])_R[mime]={}; _R[mime][action]={ config : config, app : appData, callback : callback, initFn : initFn }; if(0<frdl.debug.mode())console.log('Found intent action service for: '+JSON.stringify(_R[mime][action])); return this; };{ var _SELF = this; var args =; var _intent = args[0] || null; // var type = args[1] || null; // var action = args[2] || null; if(!!_intent && !!_R[_intent.type] && !!_R[_intent.type][_intent.action]){ if(0<frdl.debug.mode()) console.log('Found intent action service for: '+JSON.stringify(_intent)); frdl.when( function(_intent){ return ('function'!==typeof _intent.result) ? true : false; /*return 'undefined'!==typeof _intent.result && 'function'!==typeof _intent.result && true!== _intent.result instanceof Promise ? true : false; */ }, function(_intent){ delIn(_intent._id); var r =_R[_intent.type][_intent.action].callback(_intent, _intent.config, _intent.appData); if( 'function'!==typeof r){ _intent.postResult(r); }else{ return (_intent.result = r()); } }, _intent, function(_intent){_intent.postFailure({error:'The Service could not handle your action, sorry!'});}, 1, function(_intent){ if('function' === typeof _R[_intent.type][_intent.action].initFn){ _R[_intent.type][_intent.action].initFn(_intent, _intent.config, _intent.appData); } }); return this; }else if(0===args.length){ if(0<frdl.debug.mode()) console.log('Search intent action for: '+JSON.stringify(_In)); if(0<frdl.debug.mode()) console.log('In Services: '+JSON.stringify(_R)); frdl.each(_In, function(i,In){; }); return this; }else{ if(0<frdl.debug.mode())console.log(' no matching service for the action actions found! count(Actions.unresolved)='+_In.length); } }; return this; }); if(!!exports) exports = /* module.exports = */ACTBAT; if(!!module) module.exports = exports; (function(){ window.addEventListener('message', function(ev){ // if(!ev.origin || !window.intent)return; if(!window.intent)return; ACTBAT.i(window.intent) ; // intent.postResult("Test result from service"); // if(!!intent)console.log(JSON.stringify(intent)); // if(!!; // if(!!ev.origin)console.log(JSON.stringify(ev.origin)); // if(!!intent)intent.postResult("Service coming soon (in few hours)!"); // if(!!intent)alert(frdl.debug.getLog()); }); }()); (function when(condition, callback, args, delay){ if(('function'===typeof condition && true === condition()) || (true === (condition)) ){ callback(args); return when; }else{ setTimeout(function(){ when(condition, callback, args); },(delay || 1)); return when; } }(function(){ return 'undefined'!==typeof frdl; }, function(){ frdl.frdl$intentService=ACTBAT; frdl_webfan_flow_advertising_external_linking(new frdl.Url(frdl.__FILE__()).getHost()); // frdl loaded })(function(){ return 'undefined'!==typeof window.webfanIntent && 'undefined'!==typeof frdl.a; }, function(){ //webfanIntents and angular loaded //look for matching actions and services and invoke the callbacks if found; }) ()); }());