File: install.php

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  Classes of Martin Latter   JavaScript Cryptographic Chat   install.php   Download  
File: install.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: JavaScript Cryptographic Chat
Chat system that exchanges encrypted messages
Author: By
Last change: revise and reformat install.php
revise install.php
tidy install.php
revise install.php
- fix hardcoded localhost refs
revise install.php
- allow for existence of previously-created CChat user
- default password: slightly increase complexity to avoid MySQL complaints
- MySQL 8: bypass default password module authentication requirements
revise install.php comments
fix typos in index.php
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,145 bytes


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<?php /** * Simple install script to set-up the MySQL database and database user for CChat. * Edit the constants in the configuration section below, then load this file via a web server * or execute on the command-line: php install.php * * @author Martin Latter * @copyright 29/06/2014 * @version 0.10 * @license GNU GPL version 3.0 (GPL v3); * @link */ /* CONFIGURATION */ define('SUPER_USER', 'root'); define('SUPER_USER_PASSWORD', '**root_password**'); define('APP_USERNAME', 'messenger'); define('APP_PASSWORD', 'P@55w0rd'); define('APP_NAME', 'CChat'); define('HOST', 'localhost'); define('DATABASE', 'cchat'); define('TABLE', 'chatbox'); define('CHARSET', 'latin1'); define('COLLATION', 'latin1_general_ci'); /* END CONFIGURATION */ # command-line or server line break output define('LINE_BREAK', (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') ? '<br>' : "\n"); $oConnection = new mysqli(HOST, SUPER_USER, SUPER_USER_PASSWORD); if ($oConnection->connect_errno > 0) { die('Database connection failed: (' . $oConnection->connect_errno . ') ' . $oConnection->connect_error . LINE_BREAK); } else { $sTitle = APP_NAME . ' Database Setup'; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { echo '<h2>' . $sTitle . '</h2>'; } else { echo $sTitle . LINE_BREAK . LINE_BREAK; } # create database $sQuery = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' . DATABASE . ' CHARACTER SET ' . CHARSET . ' COLLATE ' . COLLATION; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Created database ' . DATABASE . '.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not create the ' . DATABASE . ' database.' . LINE_BREAK); } # select database $sQuery = 'USE ' . DATABASE; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); # create table $sQuery = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . TABLE . '` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` CHAR(16) NOT NULL, `message` VARCHAR(384) NOT NULL, `date` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY `idx_date` (`date`), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=' . CHARSET; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Created table ' . TABLE . '.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not create the ' . TABLE . ' table.' . LINE_BREAK); } # create first (unencrypted) test message $sQuery = 'INSERT INTO ' . DATABASE . '.' . TABLE . ' (name, message, date) VALUES("init", "test", UNIX_TIMESTAMP())'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Created first ' . APP_NAME . ' message.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not create the first message.' . LINE_BREAK); } # create CChat user, avoiding errors if user was previously created $sQuery = 'CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS "' . APP_USERNAME . '"@"' . HOST . '"'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { # MySQL 8 / user already exists on 5.x echo 'Created ' . APP_NAME . ' database user (' . APP_USERNAME . ').' . LINE_BREAK; # create CChat user password $sQuery = 'SET PASSWORD FOR "' . APP_USERNAME . '"@"' . HOST . '" = ' . '"' . APP_PASSWORD . '"'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Created ' . APP_NAME . ' database user password.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not create database user password (check password complexity requirements).' . LINE_BREAK); } # create CChat user permissions $sQuery = 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON ' . DATABASE . '.* TO "' . APP_USERNAME . '"@"' . HOST . '"'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Created database user permissions.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not create ' . APP_NAME . ' database user (' . APP_USERNAME . ') permissions.' . LINE_BREAK); } } else { # MySQL 5.x echo 'Could not create ' . APP_NAME . ' database user (' . APP_USERNAME . ') with method 1' . LINE_BREAK; echo 'trying method 2 ...' . LINE_BREAK; # for password requirements blocking $sQuery = 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON ' . DATABASE . '.* TO "' . APP_USERNAME . '"@"' . HOST . '" IDENTIFIED BY "' . APP_PASSWORD . '"'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Created ' . APP_NAME . ' database user (' . APP_USERNAME . ') and permissions.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not create the ' . APP_NAME . ' database user.' . LINE_BREAK); } } # Circumvent MySQL 8's sha256_password default authentication. # This is just to get CChat operational on MySQL 8 with PHP < 7.4, and is best replaced with caching_sha2_password authentication ASAP. $sQuery = 'SELECT VERSION()'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); $aVersion = $rResults->fetch_row()[0]; if (substr($aVersion, 0, 1) === '8') { $sQuery = 'ALTER USER "' . APP_USERNAME . '"@"' . HOST . '" IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "' . APP_PASSWORD . '"'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); if ($rResults) { echo 'Bypassed MySQL 8 sha256_password authentication.' . LINE_BREAK; } else { die('ERROR: could not bypass MySQL 8 sha256_password authentication.' . LINE_BREAK); } } # flush $sQuery = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'; $rResults = $oConnection->query($sQuery); # if run in browser, display link to CChat if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { echo LINE_BREAK . '<a href="./index.php">' . APP_NAME . '</a>'; } # close connection $oConnection->close(); }